Global Equities vs. Money Supply (1995-2023)
The correlation coefficient between global equity market capitalization and money supply from 1995 to 2023 is approximately 0.96. This...
Global Equities vs. Money Supply (1995-2023)
China’s Exports to Asia (excluding East Asia) Nearly Match U.S. & EU Combined in 2023
Amazon Joins the $2 Trillion Club
The Rise and Plateau of China's Exports
Divergence of Money Supply and Inflation Trends in Advanced Economies Since 2000
U.S. Exports of Aircraft Engines and Parts Have Outpaced Complete Aircraft Since 2018
U.S. Civilian Aircraft Exports Dip Since 2019, Impacting Boeing's Market Value
China's Trade with Middle East, Russia, and Central Asia Surpasses Trade with U.S. and Reaches EU Levels in 2023